Drone Insurance

As drone usage becomes more prevalent, the likelihood of accidents resulting in damage to the drone or harm to third parties also rises. These incidents can range from minor malfunctions to significant accidents, potentially leading to substantial financial losses. Recognizing this growing risk, several insurance providers in India have introduced Drone Insurance. This coverage is designed to mitigate the financial impact of such unforeseen events, providing peace of mind to drone operators by covering costs associated with repairs, replacements, and liabilities.

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Drone Insurance

What is Drone Insurance in India

Drone operator insurance in India is a robust and comprehensive policy designed to cover various risks associated with drone operation. This policy provides coverage for loss, damage, or theft of the drone itself, along with its camera, payload, and other essential equipment. Additionally, it includes protection against third-party liabilities, ensuring that any damage or injury caused by the drone to others is also covered. This comprehensive insurance safeguards drone operators from significant financial burdens arising from accidents, offering peace of mind and security in their operations.

What is Covered

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Accidental Drone Damage

Damage to the drone body in case of an accident

Third Party Property Damage

Accidental damage to a property belonging to a third person

Third Party Bodily Injury

Accidental bodily injury or death to a third person

BVLOS Cover (Add-On)

Get this add-on if you are conducting flights Beyond Visual Line of Sight

RPTO / Training Cover (Add-on)

Cover for DGCA Certified Training Drones - Third party, Comprehensive & Add-ons

Night Flying Cover (Add-On)

Fly risk-free in the night with night flying add-on cover

All India Coverage

You can operate your flight within permissible flying zones across India

Annual Plan

Purchase once and fly without any stress, all through the year